Yearly Archives: 2011

What Worked (surprisingly) Well – Sprint Tracker in Source Control 1

This past sprint retrospective the team proposed that we change up the way our scrum team reports on task progress.  The team proposed that we keep our Sprint Tracker excel document in source control.   Then prior to the daily standup meeting each team member would check out the document, update the time remaining on their tasks, and check it back in.

I am surprised at how well this worked!  I was expecting that nobody would participate or somebody would forget to checkin and then go on vacation or any number of possibilities.  But I’m proud to report our standups are more effective and efficient because we spend more time to discussing what was done, what to do and what things are standing in the way.

Let me try and explain in more detail. (more…)

Job hunting and trying something new

Fueled by insomnia and inspired by late night tv, I’ve decided to try something new on my job hunting technique. Recently found a number of perfect fit job postings on boards like or I would submit my resume and write a formal cover letter and never hear anything. Weeks go by and crickets. So it’s time to switch it up a bit.

Since project manager job hunting is all about selling yourself. I decided against the typical formal resume & cover letter in favor of a proven, tried-and-true selling technique: “The Infomercial”.  (more…)

3 summer movies I want to see

I plan on taking the nephews to a bunch of movies this summer.  Here are 3 summer movies that aren’t targeted to me but I secretly want to see.  Raise your hand if you’ll never out grow Disney movies and big thanks to the nephews for giving me an excuse to see them in theaters 🙂




Cars 2

Cars 2.  I love everything Pixar (but who doesn’t?).  Unfortunately rotten tomatoes reports this one fell a little short.  Personally I enjoyed the movie but I can see why people would say this was sub par.  I don’t want to pick apart the movie (because I enjoyed it) but I would like to make a few small observations:

  1. Adult-ish themes – The whole secret agent / spy /James Bond thing kind of went over the kids head.
  2. Adult-ish jokes – There seemed to be more jokes aimed at the older audience members.  Not dirty jokes, but jokes that kids wouldn’t get.  Like one car thought another car was attractive and said “she needed to go get some coolant”.  I laughed but my nephew leaned over and asked me “What’s coolant”.
  3. I didn’t cry – Ok fine, I’ll admit it.  I’ve teared up at least once during all the other Pixar movies.  I didn’t even come close here.
In theaters: June 24, 2011

The Muppets

The Muppets – coming this Thanksgiving (November 23, 2011).  Can’t wait to see this one.  Been a huge fan of the Muppets my whole life.  Check out our Halloween costumes from 2009

[slickr-flickr tag=”waldorfandstatler” type=”gallery” orientation=”portrait” thumbnail_size=”small”]

Winnie the Pooh

Winnie the Pooh – in theaters July 15, 2011.  Tut tut, looks like a movie I want to see.